The initial idea of having an integrated platform for data management of production facilities started in 2017 when we faced old fashion of data management in many of production facilities. Since then, the idea of having an integrated data management platform has been grownup, based on experience of the cofounder of the PLANTIMS TECH Company Mr. Masoud Pakizeh Seresht with more than 25 years’ experience in many reputable international oil and gas Companies around the world. The idea got more mature and progressed as the first module, LIMS has been developed and sold in 2019. Currently apart from LIMS (laboratory Information Management System), dashboard of Main Settings, including all basic information of any production facility, offline PIMS, Excell Adds-on, Monitoring and MoCS, are fully developed and operational.
Cost Optimized
Lower than market price to be accessible for smaller production facilities.
Dynamic and Easy Access
Web based to facilitate easy access. While keeping its dynamic and & fully integrated to enable superior intelligence.
Modernized and User Friendly
Modern architecture to be scalable & extendible. Very user-friendly and easy to operate.
About Plantims Tech